22nd November – 8th December
10:00 – 16:00
Project Space Plus
Peter De Wint building, University of Lincoln, Brayford Pool, Lincoln, LN6 7TS
8 Acts of Love, is an interactive exhibition experience inspired by outofsite_chi artist collective’s archive www.outofsitechicago.org.
Over the last twelve years, this international collective, comprising women, trans, and non-binary artists, have come together through public performance, often generated collaboratively and multimodally, from diverse parts of the globe. United through the transformative practice of performance art and practice-research, the work in this outofsite_chi archive exhibition has been co-curated as an ‘act of love’, by Fine Art Programme Leader and artist Dr Alice Bell and Out of Site organiser and artist, Carron Little.
Contextually, outofsite started in Chicago, U.S. in 2011 and now reaches across the world, interconnecting artists through live and mediated performance collaborations. The new situated and relational ecologies that emerge from these activities, connect both artists and publics trans-regionally, in new and productive co-affective dialogues. This year 2023 outofsite_chi developed the Intercity Project sharing simultaneous live experiences between Chicago, USA and Rotterdam, Netherlands, which was also live streamed here into the Fine Art studios at the University of Lincoln, UK.